Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Year of Accomplishments!!!!!!!

WOW!!! I'm sitting here finishing up my blog on the WR Relay just thinking about everything that has changed for me this year in my walking/running world. I think I am going to "gratitude list" style list them:
  1. I have a walking/running world
  2. I completed a major timed event every month since June
  3. I completed my first 10K, first 15K, first Half marathon (13.1 miles), first Relay and White Rock event, first 5 mile event, and first 8 mile Turkey Trot.
  4. I generally walk/run about 4 at a minimum to 16 times a month (that is 4 more times a month than I was the year before).
  5. I achieved PRs in my 5K every time I attempted it.
  6. I'm on a Lucky 13 Race team. (Didn't even know anyone in the running community before)
  7. I have random running/racing facebook friends all over the metroplex.
  8. I joined a Running Club (the Dallas Running Club)...I didn't even know they existed before last year.
  9. I started off walking, and am now at a run/walk pace.
  10. I've inspired others to get active.
  11. I've kept up with my blog about this process.
  12. I've enjoyed the details about the journey.
  13. I have a long list of events I can do next year to see if I can beat my time.
  14. I have improved my pace on most events (other than the Hills along the Tour de Fleur).
  15. I've been a healthy example for my daughter.

OK...more to add later, but I wanted to start a list before the year is up...

Next up...a list of goals.

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